Therapy Designed for You Massage

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Massage for TMJD

tmj massage

Are you suffering from Temporal Mandibular Dysfunction (TMD) or Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD)? Did you know that massage therapy can help relieve pain from TMJD?!?

Relieve TMJD Pain with Massage

Massage therapy is an effective treatment for those suffering from TMJ dysfunction, headaches or excess jaw tension. Your visit will involve intraoral massage where your certified massage therapist wears latex-free gloves/finger cots to release the muscles and fascia used for chewing and jaw clenching. This modality is used in conjunction with massage techniques for the face, scalp and neck muscles that affect jaw alignment and tension.

Most clients notice some relief after one visit, but since TMJD and TMD develop over a long period of time, treatment is best handled over the course of three or four visits.

Read this white paper on TMJD/TMD massage therapy for additional information. If you have questions or are ready to book your appointment, contact Jeanie via email or by calling 603-721-9326.